Eight year course for Diploma, B. A. M. A
(Buddhist Missionary)
(This (second) Programme is adopted for the monks and nuns who have not passed the Pathamagyi (or matriculation) examination, and even for lay people who have little or no knowledge of Pāli and Buddhism. To let them have a good knowledge of Pāi and Buddhism, the preliminary or one-year extra course, called Basic Diploma (P.A.B. E) Course, is arranged before they are permitted (allowed) to attend the University classes proper.)
One year Basis Diploma Course (P.A.B. E)
‘Pāli I (P1) ‘ :- (i) Declensions of nouns ( ending in vowels; ‘ a, ā, i,ī, u, ū,), pronouns and numerals; () Conjugations of ninefold verb-forms, with fivefold verbal terminations, viz, “ Indicative, Imperative, Opatative, Future and Past (Aorist); () Pāli sentences contained in part I – to be translated into Burmese.
Pāli () (p2) - - “ Pāli grammar- Part II- (i) Declenation of nouns ending in vowels “ŗ’ o’ and consonants; (ii) Kŗt Verb- forms - - “Past Participle, Present Participle, Future Participle, Gerund and Infinitive; (iii) Causative and Passive verbs; (iv) Formation of ‘ Feminine nouns and Possessive adjectives ‘ by ending suffixes; (v) Comparison of Adjectives; (vi) Particle (Nipāta) and Preposition (Upasagga); (vii) Sandi=Euphony, and Samāsa= compound; (viii) Kŗt= Primary Derivative nouns and Taddhita= Secondary Derivative nouns. (ix) Pāli Sentences contained in part ()- to be translated into Burmese.
‘Abhidhmma; (A1)’ Abhidhammattha sanghaha’ (in Burmese)- Chapters on “Citta, Cetasika, Pakinnaka, Vīthi and Vīthimutta.”
‘Abhidhmma; (A2)’ Abhidhammattha saṅghaha’ (in Burmese)- Chapters on “ Rūpa, Samuccaya, Paccaya and Kammatthāna.”
‘Buddhism I (B1)’ :- (i) Section 1- - The detailed study of the ‘ Life of the Buddha’; (ii) Section 2- - Some important stories from the Dhammapada atthakathā ( in Burmese ) which describe various kinds of good and bad deeds that produce their corresponding good and bad consequences; and also some stories from “ Peta vatthu” ( in Burmese) which explain how the evil-doers undergo the fearful sufferings in the world of Petas.
‘ Buddhism (B2) :- () Section 3- The noteworthy basic principles of Dhamma to be followed by the Buddhists, as explained in the “ Singālovāda sutta and Mangala sutta; the various of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha; the precepts contained in the ‘ Panca sīla and Uposatha sīla; the tenfold bad deeds (Duccarita) and tenfold good deeds (Sucarita), described together with their corresponding results; the ten ‘ bases of good deeds’ ( Puñña kiriya vatthu); various kammas that judge the fate of beings born in the woeful and happy abodes. (4) () Section 4 :- The nature of beings; the doctrine of ‘ Paticca samuppāda’; showing or explaining the ‘ threefold Rounds of Kilesa, Kamma and Vipāka’, turning around incessantly, one after the other; some important ways of “Meditation practie’.
‘English’ :- ‘ Basic English’ only for those who are not matriculated yet.
· (1,2) Advanced Diploma Course
Two year Diploma Course- - same as the two year Diploma course in Programme I ( First year and Second year course).
(3) B.A. Course (Third year)
301 - - ‘ History’ History of Burma- from ancient period to independence time, showing the activities of Burmese leaders working for the welfare of the country.
302 - - ‘Geography’ - - Local geography of seven States and Seven Division in Burma, showing the communications between the towns in Burma and their importance for Buddhism.
303- - ‘ Health and Medicine’ - - Part I (Tradition). Health is the most important fro the progress of the people. So the missionary monks should have a good knowledge of health and medicine, according to the traditional way, using the medicinal herbs in the neighbourhood.
304- - Selected Dhammapada verses’: 90 verses (1-90) to be learnt by heart and to be translated, giving an illustrative story in connection with each of those verses.
305 - - ‘ Buddhism I- } same as programme I – Third
306 - - ‘ Buddhism II – } Year (course Nos. 305 & 306)
(4) B.A. Course (Fourth year)
401 - - ‘ History’ :- History of ancient Buddhist countries, showing how Buddhism spread in almost all the countries in Asia, thanks to the self sacrificing ancient missionary monks, working hard for the sake of Buddha sāsana.
402 - - ‘Geography’ :- Local geography of those ancient Buddhist countries, giving the missionary monks of today a good knowledgeographical knowledge of the those countries.
403– ‘ Health and Medicine’ Part II (modern) :- The missionary monks should have a good knowledge of health and medicine, in order to know “ How to live healthly by using the modern medicine, besides the traditional medicine”.
404- - ‘Selected Dhammapada verses’:- 90 verses (91-180) to be learnt by heart and to be translated, giving an illustrative story in connection with each of those verses.
405 - - ‘ Buddhism I- } same as programme I – Fourth
406 - - ‘ Buddhism II – } (course Nos. 405 & 406)
(5) M.A. Course (Fifth year)
501–‘ Visuddhimagga’- Vol-I (in Burmese):- The missionary monks should know well the importance of “ Sīla (morality), Samādhi( concentration) and Paññā ( Insight –knowledge) “ to be liberated from worldly sufferings.
502– ‘ History’ } same as Programme I fifth year
503– Philosophy} (course Nos. 502 & 503)
504– ‘ Manifold’ Buddhist doctrine’ :- contained in the ‘ Milindapañā (in Burmese); Ledisayādaw works in Burmese, viz, Sammātitthidīpanī, Catu sacca dīpanī, Magganga- Dīpanī, Niyāma- Dīpanī”.
505 - - ‘ Buddhism I- } same as program me I – Fifth
506 - - ‘ Buddhism II– } Year (course Nos. 505 & 506)
(6) M. A. Course (Sixth)
601- - ‘ Visuddhimagga- Vol- ()’ ( in Burmese), It is the continuation of Fifth year course No.501.
603- - ‘ Philosophy’ (course Nos. 602 & 603)
604- - ‘ Meditation’ ( in Burmese ):- (i) The missionary monks should know well the ‘different methods of meditation practices’ both in theory and in practice. (ii)’ Sixteen meanings of the Four Noble Truths’ , well explained by the most venerable “Mo-goke’ Sayādaw.
605 - - ‘ Buddhism I’- } same as programme I – Third
606 - - ‘ Buddhism II – } Year (course Nos. 605 & 606)
M.A. Course (Seventh year)
701– ‘ Buddhist Meditation’
702– ‘Missionary activities’
703– ‘Hindī’
704– Chinese’
705– ‘Pātimokkha’
706–Reach methodology ( all same as Programme I (seventh year)
Progrmme (III)
In order to more effectively carry out our Buddhist missionary tasks throughout Burma, our ‘ Buddhist University’ (Mandalay and Rangon) is preparing to open’ Buddhist Missionary Colleges’ in the monasteries existing in the important disctrict-towns (about twenty in number) situated in the seven Divisions and states of Burma, year by year, since about the end of 2008, for giving a rare opportunity of learning “Buddhism, Pali, Sanskrit, Philology and English” (covering the Basic and Advance Diploma examinations are, for their further study, admitted to “Buddhist University” for B.A. and M.A degrees, either in Mandalay or in Rangon.
Our Private University in need of donations
Our private University has been run with great difficulty, as having very few donors and supporters and receiving no support from our Government. (1) The teachers and others cannot be salaried and give voluntary service. (2) Moreover, there are many text books prescribed for the courses or students, some of which are printed by the founder himself, some of which by the public donations and others are to be copied by Photostat. So a general fund is in need to salary the teachers and for other expenditures as well. (3) Buddhist University (Mandalay) is opened in the compound of a monastery, where there are only four one-storied old buildings to be used as class-rooms, not enough for all classes, and there are no buildings for the teachers’ residence and the library.
Now we are going to build those necessary buildings- (a) for class-rooms and teachers’ residence combined, a big two- storied building of square size, measuring 65 feet on each side, which is estimated to cost about hundred-thousand (one lakh) US Dollars, and (b) a two-storied library, measuring 45 feet in lenghth and 27 feet in breadth, which will cost about thirty thousand US Dollars. So, everybody is requested to donate this poor Private University working for the welfare of all people, irrespective of nationality, religion and sex.
“ Donations to Buddhist University are gratefully welcome”
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